The Untangle Your Sales newsletter is published monthly

Business Owner - sales coach

Getting the best from working with a sales coach

Making the most of any coaching support you invest in takes effort. Coaching is often transformative. However, like most things in life, what’s right for one won’t suit another. And understanding the circumstances by which…

SME sales support choices

External sales support, do you need it?

How do you choose what kind of sales support you need? Sales support varies widely – from sales training programmes via coaching and mentoring, to tailored consulting and beyond. There are pros and cons for…

Customer journey case study how we helped improve sales process

Client case study: Sales process improvement for IT service businesses

The Customer Journey a good place to start a case study Sometimes customers are so picky. You think their “journey” through your sales process is simple and predictable. Yet it turns out understanding what they…

case study - glass making

Client Case Study: Sales funnel management for technology and SaaS companies.

Are my biggest customers receiving the focus they deserve? The question asked at the very begining of this case study! Clients often come to us with concerns about sales forecasts and sales funnel management. Anybody…

Stealthflation, what is it and what does it mean for your customer?

Stealthflation means consumers have to brace themselves for hidden price increases.

Recession is always a time for businesses to reposition themselves as consumer champions. Tesco made a pre-emptive strike last month, demanding that suppliers contribute towards (or pay for) their latest round of price cuts. In…

motivate leading to reward is seeing a great sunset

Motivate, setting goals and recognition.

Not everyone has a price to motivate… It may be a coincidence, or maybe a result of planning cycles beginning their annual re-boot; but we’ve noticed that a number of clients are thoughtfully scratching their…

hungry horses are sales team

Is it important to have a “hungry” sales team?

Disrupter businesses like Uber, Amazon and Facebook have changed the business world forever. Not just in the standards they set for consumers, but also in shaping the way we work. Gone are the days of…

can you trust a tiger

It’s all about trust!

We’ve been exploring Trust recently with a variety of leaders from across a number of business sectors. From Finance to Healthcare; Automotive to Education; and what emerges is fascinating and thought provoking. Begin a conversation…

inside a church a clock

‘Busy’ – A hard habit to break

“I guess I thought you’d be here foreverAnother illusion I chose to createYou don’t know what ya got until it’s goneAnd I found out just a little too late” For anyone who has a fondness…