How do you prove ROI on personality profiling?

How do you prove ROI on personality profiling

Personality profiles like DiSC, Insights or Emergenetics are common in the workplace. Many experienced employees proudly claim to have completed a number of them! Lessons are learned and the reports carefully hidden away at the bottom of a drawer until they are randomly discovered in an office move! Some organisations use personality profiling as a…

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The 4 secrets to running effective meetings

The 4 secrets to running effective meetings

This sounds pretty obvious doesn’t it: Who doesn’t know how to run an effective meeting? Well, recent research from Atlassion suggest that meetings are ineffective a whopping 72% of the time. And that’s not a new statistic. Numbers like that have been popping up for years. Hybrid working might have changed how you hold many…

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Why purposeful leadership matters

Why purposeful leadership matters

“I’m helping put a man on the moon.” Many of us know this story and it encapsulates purposeful leadership perfectly. In 1962, President J.F.K visited NASA. During his tour of the facility, he met a janitor who was carrying a broom down a corridor. J.F.K casually asked the man what he did for NASA, and…

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How do you give someone leadership skills?

How do you give someone leadership skills?

You might be surprised how many sectors have challenges when it comes to leadership skills. Most people think they left education behind when they joined the workplace. But this management issue is clearly seen in the education system. If you’re knowledgeable in economics or geography and love children then you’ll make a brilliant teacher. In…

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How do you choose between coaching and leadership development?

Your scenario Imagine you’ve just been promoted up to a senior leadership position in a different part of your organisation. You’ve come across some of your new leadership team at company events. One of them even bought you a drink! But now it’s different because you’re the boss. You’ve heard about them during talent reviews…

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Ten top tips for building a brilliant team in 2024

Ten top tips for building a brilliant team in 2024

Building a brilliant team of high-performers has long been top of company directors’ Christmas wish lists: If we can get another few percentage points out of our people then next year will be one to celebrate! People challenges in the last couple of years have only added to this wish. Firstly there’s the skills shortage,…

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How to choose the best psychometric profiling tool for your team

How to choose the best psychometric profiling tool for your team

Many large organisations use psychometric profiling tools nowadays. If you’re an employee you might have been asked to complete a number of them on different occasions! But if you’re in control of your company budget and responsible for people outcomes how do you choose the best one? We’re very clear that the worst profiling tool…

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How questions can improve the performance of your team

How questions can improve the performance of your team

I remember my very first day at school. It sticks in the memory because the teacher asked a whole bunch of questions and a couple of us were able to answer them all correctly. In those days there was none of this “taking part is important” stuff. If you got the right answer you could…

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What’s the difference between leaders and managers?

Leaders and managers

“Leaders focus on doing the right thing and Managers focus on doing things right” So goes the well known quote. But is it as simply defined as this? And would it even be desirable for everyone to be a leader if that left an organisation with too few people to ensure things were done right?…

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Importance of feedback in leadership

The importance of feedback in leadership

Everyone who’s had a job will have heard an office conversation in which people profile the boss. Good or bad, most people figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the boss and are happy to compare notes by the coffee machine. Yet if this individual’s shortcomings are obvious to the entire team, why isn’t feedback…

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Why being a B Corp is important to us

UK landscape with B Corp logo

A B Corp certification is given to businesses, committed to promoting social and environmental change through positive business practices. Read the post to find out why it’s so important.

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5 steps to building a high-performing sales team

5 steps to building a high-performing sales team

Have you ever baked a cake? A few people who are expert bakers can throw together a few ingredients and come up with something sweet and fluffy in a matter of minutes. Most of us, though, need to follow a recipe. That recipe tells us what the component parts are and in what order to…

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