We believe sales and leadership are inextricably linked

Because you get the best out of people with a mix of functional skills and leadership inspiration.

It’s 30 years since we met, as junior sales people. Sales jump-started a career that’s given us lifelong friends and personal growth beyond anything two exiled northerners could have imagined.

As our teams grew bigger and our titles more senior we realised our jobs were more about leadership than selling.

We figured out that our main motivations were providing solutions to customers and getting the best out of people.

Because, for us, business is at its heart about relationships and trust.

That’s why our mission today is helping businesses build brilliant leadership and sales teams.

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B-Corp Logo

We became a B Corp in 2020 and successfully re-certified with 103 points in early 2023. Being a B Corp is central to our belief that business is about people and planet as much as it’s about profit.

Just imagine the vast potential we can unlock if we build sustainable organisations that focus on doing the right things as well as doing things right.

2024 Impact Report

Read our latest Impact Report to discover all the great things we've achieved as a business in the last year.

The Team


Martin Knowles

Cyclist. Pianist. Traveller.

Martin has held senior Sales positions in consumer organisations such as PepsiCo, Reckitt Benckiser and the BBC and healthcare businesses including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Sanofi.

He obsesses about customers and consumers and helps focus businesses on maximising value from their key customer relationships.

As a widely experienced sales director he leads on strategy, numbers, spreadsheets and organisation design. And cake.

Lynne Kennedy

Hiker. Gardener. Explorer.

Lynne worked for international businesses including Mars, Boots and De La Rue before striking out on her own two decades ago.

Her speciality is training, coaching and sales consulting. With an instinct for business relationships she can unpick tangled teams and processes, rewiring the business in a way that motivates individuals and inspires improved performance.

She leads on story-telling, people and pictures. Accompanied by Haribo and cups of tea.

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We know you have lots of options for improving your business growth… so here are 3 reasons our clients love us:


You receive a rounded view of the whole sales environment. Our breadth of sector experience and seniority of roles means we prioritise solutions that don’t cause problems elsewhere in your business.


We don’t take ourselves too seriously and we make it feel like we’ve always been part of your team. Sales and leadership resources are often dry, which is why you’ll find that all our materials and programmes are consciously constructed in an engaging and interactive way.


You get business solutions that are strategic, insightful and tailored to your specific business needs. We want our solutions to last over the long-term, so we deliver them in a straightforward way that means you and your team will be able to continue implementing them either with or without us.

UK Based Sales Team Training Provider in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire

But don’t just take our word for it... 

Explore how we've supported organisations in various sectors to create winning sales teams and excellent leaders:

Sales Case Studies

Improving the customer journey

Boosting efficiency by aligning internal teams

Boosting customer profitability

Boosting customer profitability

Prioritising key account customers and building reliable sales forecasts

Boosting customer profitability
Building sales capability from the ground up

Building sales capability from the ground up

The building blocks of sales planning, recruitment and pipeline management

Building sales capability from the ground up
Price increase management

Price increase management

Resetting profitability by thawing a 5-year price freeze

Price increase management
Rebuilding sales pipeline and conversion rates

Rebuilding sales pipeline and conversion rates

Scoping market potential and building solution selling skills

Rebuilding sales pipeline and conversion rates
Commercial planning

Commercial planning

Improving marketing efficiency for increased ROI

Commercial planning
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Leadership Case Studies

Implementing 360-degree feedback

Helping individuals maximise their potential

Strategic planning and organisation design

Strategic planning and organisation design

Building efficiency through process redesign

Strategic planning and organisation design
Enhancing wellbeing & strategic impact

Building teams through psychometric profiling

Helping people close the Intent-Impact gap

Enhancing wellbeing & strategic impact
Building management skills & confidence

Building management skills & confidence

Improving performance through aligned goals and outcomes

Building management skills & confidence
Leadership development for global tech company

Leadership development for global tech company

Delivering a leadership programme for high potential talent

Leadership development for global tech company

Finding people in line with our values has revolutionised our team and been a huge gift of efficiency. We LOVE working with Sales Untangled

David Schluter, M.D. Fluid IT (Certified B Corp)