What is Value-based selling?

value-based selling the shop window

You’ll probably have a very accurate idea about what your business costs you. The bricks and mortar (or your desk, laptop, printer and supply of chocolate Hob Nobs) Your people – either on your payroll or as associates or suppliers. Your manufacturing, purchasing or tech development costs. What you spend on marketing your business and…

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Does every business need a sales pipeline?

Does every business need a sales pipeline

Part of our Sales Untangled promise is to make business simple. So whenever this question gets asked we’re always willing to listen to why the questioner thinks their business can manage without one. [Note: This is a topic where terminology varies. For the purpose of this article we’re using the terms sales funnel and sales…

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How do you prove ROI on personality profiling?

How do you prove ROI on personality profiling

Personality profiles like DiSC, Insights or Emergenetics are common in the workplace. Many experienced employees proudly claim to have completed a number of them! Lessons are learned and the reports carefully hidden away at the bottom of a drawer until they are randomly discovered in an office move! Some organisations use personality profiling as a…

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The 4 secrets to running effective meetings

The 4 secrets to running effective meetings

This sounds pretty obvious doesn’t it: Who doesn’t know how to run an effective meeting? Well, recent research from Atlassion suggest that meetings are ineffective a whopping 72% of the time. And that’s not a new statistic. Numbers like that have been popping up for years. Hybrid working might have changed how you hold many…

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Untangling Sales Enablement

Untangling Sales Enablement

I spent many years in key account management for the UK’s biggest consumer goods companies. The first time I was asked to present recommendations for a major retailer’s range review I was completely stumped. How were you supposed to approach that? Asking my colleagues, I was advised to simply present each of my brands in…

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Why purposeful leadership matters

Why purposeful leadership matters

“I’m helping put a man on the moon.” Many of us know this story and it encapsulates purposeful leadership perfectly. In 1962, President J.F.K visited NASA. During his tour of the facility, he met a janitor who was carrying a broom down a corridor. J.F.K casually asked the man what he did for NASA, and…

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5 questions to answer before employing a Sales Mentor

5 questions to answer before employing a Sales Mentor

Most business owners are not sales experts. AND most business owners will never pay for sales advice or a Sales Mentor. Is this the most damaging equation in your business today? The first part of the equation is perfectly understandable. When people leave education their career usually introduces them to something they are good at…

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How do you give someone leadership skills?

How do you give someone leadership skills?

You might be surprised how many sectors have challenges when it comes to leadership skills. Most people think they left education behind when they joined the workplace. But this management issue is clearly seen in the education system. If you’re knowledgeable in economics or geography and love children then you’ll make a brilliant teacher. In…

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What is your ideal selling style?

Discover your ideal selling style

Are you having trouble figuring out your ideal selling style? You won’t be on your own if you’re a bit uncomfortable about selling. Let’s be honest, sales has lots of negative connotations. The Hollywood portrayal of sales is always the brash, win-at-all-costs mentality. Think of the Wolf of Wall Street or Richard Gere in Pretty…

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Is B Corp certification greenwashing? 

We’ve now been a B Corp for four years so this is a subject close to our hearts and one we’re open to debating. What is greenwashing?  According to Wikipedia:   Greenwashing is a form of advertising or marketing spin in which green PR and green marketing are deceptively used to persuade the public that an…

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What’s the difference between a Lead and a Suspect?

Sometimes enthusiasm gets the better of business leaders and they suspect everyone could become a customer. That’s why it’s important to be able to differentiate between a Lead and a Suspect. Imagine you sell yoga classes in Manchester. Potentially any business in Manchester could buy from you, they all have staff don’t they? And if…

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How do you choose between coaching and leadership development?

Your scenario Imagine you’ve just been promoted up to a senior leadership position in a different part of your organisation. You’ve come across some of your new leadership team at company events. One of them even bought you a drink! But now it’s different because you’re the boss. You’ve heard about them during talent reviews…

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5 tips on how to deal with ghosting in sales

There’s something strange in the neighbourhood. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! What’s causing the epidemic of ghosting in sales? There was a time when No just meant No. But now No is often replaced with interminable silence. Business owners are increasingly reporting this to us as one of their biggest frustrations in selling. You’re a…

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