The Untangle Your Sales newsletter is published monthly

What’s the difference between a Lead and a Suspect?

Sometimes enthusiasm gets the better of business leaders and they suspect everyone could become a customer. That’s why it’s important to be able to differentiate between a Lead and a Suspect. Imagine you sell yoga…

How do you choose between coaching and leadership development?

Your scenario Imagine you’ve just been promoted up to a senior leadership position in a different part of your organisation. You’ve come across some of your new leadership team at company events. One of them…

5 tips on how to deal with ghosting in sales

There’s something strange in the neighbourhood. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! What’s causing the epidemic of ghosting in sales? There was a time when No just meant No. But now No is often replaced with…

How to get the best out of a mentoring Discovery call

Discovery calls are often used by mentors or consultants to better understand your current situation.   They also act as a “getting to know you” experience in which you can both work out whether you get…

Five ways to motivate a sales team in 2024 

Every business wants a motivated sales team but what makes this even more important in 2024?  Three things stand out as being unusual in the coming year:  You might argue good sales people shouldn’t need…

Ten top tips for building a brilliant team in 2024

Ten top tips for building a brilliant team in 2024

Building a brilliant team of high-performers has long been top of company directors’ Christmas wish lists: If we can get another few percentage points out of our people then next year will be one to…

Five top tips for growing sales in 2024

“It’s got to be better than last year, hasn’t it?” That’s what we said at the end of 2020. And 2021. And again a year ago! One day the business environment will really bounce back.…

What is sustainable selling?

What is sustainable selling?

You might think this is about selling sustainability. Maybe you imagine sustainability consultants who help organisations build their green plans. Or you think of companies selling composting boxes or green bins. But sustainable selling isn’t…

How do I find the time for a Sales Mentor 

How do I find the time for a Sales Mentor? 

When it comes to working with a Sales Mentor, you might have many unanswered questions such as will they make me more efficient? What service do they actually offer? And what will I need to…