Why being a B Corp is important to us

UK landscape with B Corp logo

A B Corp certification is given to businesses, committed to promoting social and environmental change through positive business practices. Read the post to find out why it’s so important.

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5 steps to building a high-performing sales team

5 steps to building a high-performing sales team

Have you ever baked a cake? A few people who are expert bakers can throw together a few ingredients and come up with something sweet and fluffy in a matter of minutes. Most of us, though, need to follow a recipe. That recipe tells us what the component parts are and in what order to…

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How do you give feedback to sales people?

How to give feedback to sales people

Questions around giving feedback to sales people is something that’s come around a number of times just recently. It’s perhaps revealing that it rarely shows up as a question about “building a buzzing sales team” or “getting the very best out of” someone. When people pose this challenge it’s much more likely to be presented…

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How to use questions to improve the skills of your sales team

You’re busy, it’s been a long day and another sales-person is asking for guidance or help. Is answering your sales team’s questions a good thing to do or not? And what’s the alternative? Does it save you time to jump straight to the answer?  Undoubtedly in that moment it does – and if you’ve been around…

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How to get sales recruitment right

butterfly of sales recruitment

How to create an effective sales recruitment process to bring a new salesperson into your business. Be certain what kind of salesperson you want. There are different types, and they require a different mix of skills and attributes. You can read more about this in our March blog – ‘How do I recruit the right…

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How do I develop the sales skills of my team?

sales skills - Duck on a agility course with a sheep dog

The shape of your sales team and the mix of sales skills needed must reflect your business and the clients you serve. Where and how you invest in developing your salespeople will also be unique to you. Making the wrong choice offers a plethora of bespoke ways of wasting your time and money on the…

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Am I where I think I am in business?

Business sales review - Sales Untangled team hiking in the moors

During a really important pitch to a new client…and of course within your business. Taking Stock Now’s a great time to be taking stock, reflecting and learning. It’s an opportunity to adjust your plans, refine your activity or leverage something you’ve become really good at. 2020 didn’t go to plan for most people. But there’ll…

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Getting the best from working with a sales coach

Business Owner - sales coach

Making the most of any coaching support you invest in takes effort. Coaching is often transformative. However, like most things in life, what’s right for one won’t suit another. And understanding the circumstances by which the relationship might be put under pressure can be helpful before you commit your time, brain and cash. How coaching…

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It’s all about trust!

can you trust a tiger

We’ve been exploring Trust recently with a variety of leaders from across a number of business sectors. From Finance to Healthcare; Automotive to Education; and what emerges is fascinating and thought provoking. Begin a conversation by prefacing it’s about Trust, and almost always people will then very consciously present their most trust-worthy self to the…

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‘Busy’ – A hard habit to break

inside a church a clock

“I guess I thought you’d be here foreverAnother illusion I chose to createYou don’t know what ya got until it’s goneAnd I found out just a little too late” For anyone who has a fondness for 1980’s rock ballads, or for whom this era was a formative part of their life, you may well recognise…

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Feedback is a Gift

feedback with an image of three sleeping ducks in a row

Over the last 12 months we’ve completed a number of 360-degree feedback for senior people across a number of different business sectors. All lead others. All set the agenda for where others are headed. All have a significant and wide-ranging impact, and all commissioned their own feedback. None of it was hoisted upon them as…

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Leadership and ponytails

horses head

The gym…remember it? It’s the thing you joined back in January just after you’d polished off all of those mince pies and choccies….and around the same time you noticed that the waistband of your favourite suit has shrunk. I bet that if you have a good rummage in your wallet you might even still have…

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