Ready to build a thriving Senior Leadership Team?

How do you know that a great teacher will make an effective SLT member?

You might have noticed that being brilliant at geography isn’t enough to help a teacher move into a bigger role in your school. 

You might worry about how they will step up to take on the multiple demands of pupils, governors, inspectors and their own staff. 

All this at a time you’re concerned about potential government policy and a bumpy economy.  

We’re here to help! We design and deliver bespoke leadership programmes for numerous schools.

Schools we've supported

Royal Hospital School
Royal Russell
The Marist School
The Leys
Wellington College

Case Studies

360 degree feedback programme

What challenges was the school facing?

A member of the SLT had great technical skill but struggled to read cues from others and therefore manage their own impact. Meetings and conversations left both sides frustrated.

Why were Sales Untangled used?

We had a trusted relationship with the Head and SLT and our track record of 360-degree feedback elsewhere encouraged the Head to bring us in to solve this problem.

What did we do to support them?

We carried out a series of face-to-face interviews across staff and governors and compiled the feedback into a detailed, structured report. This gave both positive feedback and opportunities for improvement. The feedback was delivered through 1-2-1 coaching conversations and concluded with a timed action plan.

What were the outcomes of our support?

The structured report gave clear and objective feedback in a kind and supportive way. It was a huge help to the individual and the Head in devising strategies for working better together. It’s clear now that meeting contribution from the individual has been more supportive of the wider teaching team.

SLT strategic planning and organisation design

What challenges was the school facing?

Roles had not been reviewed since before Covid and the Head realised the future strategic plan and organisation design would need to satisfy different aims.

Why were Sales Untangled used?

We had a trusted relationship from previous work and were recognised as somebody who would give honest input to what could be a provocative process.

What did we do to support them?

We created a bespoke template to gather feedback from staff about their workloads and priorities, and they identified things they were no longer doing or could stop. We then facilitated a wider leadership workshop around implications of the strategic plan on the school, ensuring everyone understood the Why. We also reviewed values and philosophies to ensure buy-in.

What were the outcomes of our support?

The proposed roles were agreed with the team and now the Head has confidence these are aligned with the strategic plan. It’s clear that friction has been removed where previously the team felt workloads and roles were imbalanced. Potential skill gaps in the team have been identified, enabling future recruitment to be focused on the additional skills needed.

Team development workshop using Emergenetics® psychometric profiling

What challenges was the school facing?

The team was exhausted after changes of personnel and strategic challenges facing the school. Some individuals were showing signs of stress, resulting in friction in the team and short-term pressure on team members.

Why were Sales Untangled used?

We were recommended to the Head by another school who believed we could help develop leadership. The Head was particularly keen to use Emergenetics as a tool to help people understand each other’s preferences and most effective ways of working.

What did we do to support them?

Each team member completed their personal Emergenetics profile, helping them understand their own preferred styles. With this we facilitated a fun and engaging workshop for the SLT, using these profiles to identify bias within the team and the best ways for members to influence others.

What were the outcomes of our support?

The impact on the team of this workshop was immediate. Right away team members had a framework with which they could express their own and their team’s preferences. Using this, they re-shaped the school’s strategic plan to communicate better to parents and staff with different preferences. This work has had a positive long-term affect on the wellbeing and strategic impact of the lead team and remains a reference point to this day.

Head of Department (HODs) management skills workshop

What challenges was the school facing?

The school’s Heads of Department were creating detailed departmental plans without the detail that ensured galvanising ownership and implementation. The Head was concerned that objectives in the plan weren’t happening, which in turn caused conflict and confusion amongst other staff who experienced progress at variable speed.

Why were Sales Untangled used?

We were recommended on the basis of our strategy facilitation workshops elsewhere and our track record of creating interactive learning in non-academic topics like change and people management.

What did we do to support them?

We consulted with the Head, alongside reviewing the strategic plan to ensure the project was tailored specifically to the school. We also assessed the current knowledge level of the HODs through 1-2-1 conversations. All this input came together in an interactive workshop where the team played through real world scenarios to identify priorities and key action steps.

What were the outcomes of our support?

This workshop received the highest score any inset day training has received in that school. Feedback from the team was that simplicity of the goals and outcomes significantly improved confidence for the HODs involved. In turn the Head was given a clear plan, one they've been able to track more effectively than was previously the case.

Lynne worked with me in leading school-wide change. Her knowledge and experience of making such changes in large organisations was invaluable, as was her patience, honesty, and good humour.

Oliver Peck, Director of Studies

Get in touch




Sales Untangled

Midhurst, Blind Lane, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5LF

01628 337593